We are devoted to our clients. We WILL find the home you are looking for. You can depend on us and a phone call to our office will certainly be worth your time. We will do whatever is necessary to find a home that you will be pleased with. Ernie has had sales of over 900 homes in three years until he strayed and wrote a song that ended up on a EMI records album produced by Paul Anka. He always loved music. Now he's here back in the sunshine state enjoying the beach life.
Featured Home $120,000![]() Here is an example of the kind of moderately priced home you can buy in New Smyrna Beach. This home is a two bedroom, two bath WITH family room and two car garage. The home is in perfect condition and ready to move into, The living area is 1348 square feet and the garage is a two car with storage in attic. A perfect home for anyone.
If you are considering retiring in the next few years you might want to consider a home like this. It has been newly painted and has all appliances with a large landscaped area and a large patio as well. Home is in an HOA with clubhouse, swimming pool and tennis court. For a personal viewing of homes that meet your needs just Call Ernie or fill out the contact form and submit and we'll be in touch shortly. Local Coupons and info HERE We are committed to personal service, Ernie |
Call Ernie 407-852-8668Read ABOUT US on the last page of this website to read about the new services in Real Estate that we are offering.
Orlando and Winter Park HattonHouse.com Now serving New Smyrna Beach and are anxious to help you. Listings wanted in New Smyrna Beach area! The video below is a weekly outing on Saturday and Sundays.Most of the Disappearing Islands videos are by Chuck Risko. NOTE: On some pages music will play when you go to that page. Before you play a video on that page just chick on the black line across the bottom of the page. Chick on II .The music will stop...then click on the video. We have a home in Winter Park being renovated for $195,000. 3bedroom, 3baths, fireplace, large pool, large lot. Irrigation in front yard and being landscaped.
About our Beach![]() One of he best beaches in the World
New Smyrna has a deep beach area with drive and park on beach areas as well as no parking beaches.
The sand is the best with no rocks and few shells. Perfect for strolling or running. The no drive on areas have parking just off the beach, The depth of the water is very gradual, in most places, so quite safe for small children or those who just want to go in waist high. It is also perfect for swimmers and water sports like surfing. Great fishing from the shore, bridges or boat. INVESTMENT now or for the future. There are always investment opportunities. The secret is knowing what they are and being able to understand the potential. You do not have to have a lot of money to start investing. Ernie There are two EVENTS pages. The first includes the LOOP.The second link includes other various Events as well. Days to Christmas counter below.